Slept well in luxurious clean cotton sheets and my earplugs. My German and Italian room-mates left early, and so I had a more leisurely start. It's cold and wet outside but decided to give my feet a rest in sandals today. 

Since most of my clothes are still wet, I ventured forth in my yoga pants, vest and fleece!

Breakfast in a nice little bar - Spanish omelette makes a delicious breakfast with tea and orange juice. 

The tourist information headed me off to the San Telmo Museum of Basque culture. A very nice modern extension to a Medieval monastery that was destroyed in the Napoleonic wars? Some wonderful pieces by Chillida and Oteiza and other members of the Gaur Group of artists (1965-67).

Then off to find Oteiza's massive sculpture 'Empty Construction' on the waterfront overlooking Concha Beach. Great to see the real thing in a blustery day, with the ocean roaring behind it. 

The Museum had collections on all aspects of Basque life from music, sport and murals in the chapel depicting the heroic achievements of its industrial labour. 

I had to test some more tapas in the gallery cafe and then made the long walk back to the hostel. I discover I have the room to myself tonight - wonderful. No snoring!!

I assembled my supper in the hostel kitchen tonight and ate in the vast dining room. A very different atmosphere to the  jolly Pilgrim Hostels- rather sad and isolating. I made enough for my picnics for tomorrow, so hopefully I can put some miles in and reach Orio or Getaria. 

Despite it being a rest day, I've walked 11 miles today and I'm ready for bed at 8.30pm. I hope it warms up a bit tomorrow....